Sunday, November 1, 2009

What Inspires You Towards Deeper Levels of Understanding?

We invite you to comment,
"What inspires you toward deeper levels of understanding?"

Please feel free to comment multiple times.
Your thoughts on inspiration are gifts,
with momentums and connectivity,
which you selflessly offer.

For these gifts of inspiration

we extend humble gratitude,

to you and to the source

of inspiration alive within us all.

Live Free,
Zen Dog

(( Link to the radiant and beautiful full version, of Catherine L. Ghosh's presentation to the Smithsonian Institution))


  1. i am inspired by this, zen dog ... "mandala" was not, but is now, in my vocabulary ... for that i thank you. i have a meaningful if mysterious mandala in my very neighborhood, in fact, but i am unable to include my favorite photo of it within a comment (so say the tech gods). thus, i have resorted to a link, if that happens to works in this space and place. Here goes: And if that doesn't do it, I may have to brave the html hurdle .......

  2. Stonehenge inspires me (and the video reminded me of that), though I've never been there. I love the end of Tess of the D'urbervilles because it takes place at Stonehenge--one person's tiny tragedy, of no consequence or ripple, playing out in this ancient circle... Thanks...

  3. the mandala i pass and ponder nearly every day is pictured within the last post on my own blog. i couldn't seem to post it over here ... oh, well ... but SHARING virtual spaces is nice. my mandala is your mandala, etc.......

  4. Hey Zen Dog,
    I was just frantically googling Carl Jung's Red Book and found that aside from an exhibit on it at the Rubin Museum in NYC...which also happens to have an exhibit on Mandalas...(a word I'd never heard till last week is suddenly everywhere!) field trip?

  5. I ride an old BMW air cooled motorcycle...which actually perfers to be in motion otherwise it might over-heat.....when riding
    after a while I settle back to the familiar sound of the engine....
    the feeling of contentment that this brings allows me to let go of what ever is binding me and I go into a kind of free fall and a fascination and understanding envelopes me... It starts with
    my imagining the inner working of the engine...the movement of the cylinders, the valves...I imagine the revolutions and rotations of all the various components involved in my propulsion.....then I am ready to delve into any subject that pops into my mind....
    In general I always look backward.... the problem is that if you ruminate for too long you turn into salt!

  6. You were missed last night, Zen D.

  7. i am inspired by the morning's light, fresh and crisp seems my potentials’ after more than a week of clouded winter light


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