Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Presence of Synergy

With the first snap of sharp cold and holiday festivities upon us, i am reminded of the New England shoreline in winter. Strong winds lifts salt scum and as the tides recede, glistening, bejeweled, bubble mounds create lace margins where water once flowed. When the children were young we had a dog that could not stay home. She loved the beach and all the sea foods that laid waiting in the sands. She visited various neighbors and collected other dogs to join her in her travels. Around Christmas i told the children i saw her, on the beach, in secret meetings, with her canine followers. I related tales of mysterious behaviors as i updated them with my daily observations of the canines cavorting, until i realized the mission, they were preparing for their own Christmas celebration. Each day after snacks of fowl sea foods, i saw them practicing to perform a nativity pageant, to my surprise, in the center of it all, Tigger, our free spirited dog, was the Baby Jesus. My storytelling would have been laughed off by the kids had Tigger not lain down on the floor still as ice when i said the words Baby Jesus. I didn't train her to do so, it synergistically happened each time i told the story ending with the words Baby Jesus; Tigger, the Springer Spaniel who couldn’t stay home, would demonstrate a quiet down position.

Warm HUgs and Loving Energy to All,

Zen Dog

Painting on Photo: 1980 Tigger and Katherine

1 comment:

  1. answer from the salt scummy shore, where i walked earlier, and so many zen dogs romped: what a marvelous story full of holiday wonder and mystery. and then the painting on photo (!!). we had a springer (Hazel) before our more recent pal Pete, so i RECOGNIZE the wonder and mystery here. springers do not lie down quietly, or ever. thanks for this.


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