Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Memory Quilt

Gazing at the moon and stars, my mind recalled a time 37 years ago.  Sitting in a rocking chair feeding my 6 month daughter her bedtime bottle. Cradled in my arms, I always whispered her to sleep with my voice, along with the timeless motion of the rocking chair. Stroking her head, filling my hand with the love she had added to my life, my heart. Our mother-child bond grew with every feeding, every loving whisper. She would eagerly drink the bottle, looking at me with her big blue eyes, blinking and waiting for my whisper to begin. "Are you ready?" I ask. Her chubby legs wiggled and she raised her eyebrows as though saying: "Yes mommy". So I began, the story, always being the same theme. Her eyes on the whispers of my voice, "You have lots of dreams inside you. Each dream will be created by a special talent that belongs to only you. You’re special; you’re very, very special. I promise that I will listen and help you develop that talent and those dreams. Oh yes, you have a lot to do. Oh you’re going to be very busy building those dreams." Again, her chubby legs wiggled and her sweet hand touched my mouth. "I might not be able to give you a lot of toys or fancy clothes. That’s not what builds dreams anyway; it's the talent inside you, the passion in your heart." She then placed her tiny hand on my chest, smiled, closed her eyes and went to sleep. "Yes, my child, sleep within your dreams, I will always listen to your heart speak, helping you nurture your talents."

Peace, Love, Joy to All,

Caren’s smile reflects her confidence in the power of love. She is a mainstay writer on many blogs where she digs deeply into topics of love, healing, gratitude and the evolution of Earth healing initiatives. Her charms as a provocative writer are reflected in her strong yet quiet voice. Caren is dedicated to living her unfolding life on her own terms, which she defines as, “Living in the moment with the fluid truth of my evolving process.”

(((Thanks Caren, Zensational)))


  1. What a wonderful memory that you've shared, Caren! I'm sure your daughter also remembers those feedings with every fiber of her being. No wonder I see those beautiful smiles and shining eyes looking at me in the photo of the two of you ... the essence of the love you share, over-flowing and touching my heart. Sending my love ~*~ Karen

  2. Dear Karen,
    Thank you, it's so nice to see you here. My joy continued as I heard her whispering like-minded love to my 3 grandsons. Of course, Gram needed to take a turn in feeding them whispers and also whispering the song, twinkle-twinkle little star. I had the warm privilage of singing and whispering them to sleep many times. When I would see them smile in their sleep, I believe thats when the angels took over where I left off.
    Big hug with whispering love to you and yours. I bet you have a Grama story.

  3. Dear Caren Francis,
    Oh how i loved your quilt rocking story, what a gift of memory when you can remember rocking your sweet baby girl to sleep. Wishing and hoping all her dreams come true. I get that! I love you Dear soul sister. Deb More debandy527

  4. Dear Deb, There is no time like precious time with a child. Whether our own or someone elses. We can always look into their eyes, find a stream of communication that fill them and us with love. Every baby I hold is a privilage. Holding their tiny little hands. Massaging their fingers, whipspering all the wonderful and fun things they will touch in life. Feeling them grip hold of my finger as I assure them..I'll be there. Being present, with senses full of the moment. That is a rich place to be alive in.
    Whether a mom, aunt, sister, brother, foster child, or mentor. Moments are as rich as we chose them to be.
    Each quilted to the next stitched heart to heart in a lifetime.
    I love you Deb,


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