(1) can't roll over
(2) finally he gets up
(3) Chai and a cat
(4) Chai and a Japanese beetle
Zen Dog
Mandala: "(Sanskrit maṇḍala "essence" + "having" or "containing", also translates as "circle-circumference" or "completion", both derived from the Tibetan term dkyil khor) is a concentric diagram having spiritual and ritual significance in both Buddhism and Hinduism. According to David Fontana, its symbolic nature can help one "to access progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all its manifold forms arises." [3] The psychoanalyst Carl Jung saw the mandala as "a representation of the unconscious self,"[4] and believed his paintings of mandalas enabled him to identify emotional disorders and work towards wholeness in personality.[5]" [From Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/]