Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dear Frances,

My thoughts find connection to your comment under, Every Thought Has A Frequency, Focus On What You Want, "Their hearts greet us daily with Love and joy. Adding an energy of unconditional support and love to our lives." I think it is with and within this energy that many householders include animals in their home, families, and daily lives.

Animals are revered in human culture for the idealized belief that animals instinctively exist grounded in Buddahood. However, we have accepted domestication, giving away self-reliance, impulse behaviors, and lives without attachments. This realization may be true of all animals that we encounter in civilized territories, including humans. Within the challenge to cooperatively integrate with other species we have all accepted the responsibility to, lead a disciplined life. Our first challenge in domestic life is the practice of refraining from harming others, physically, mentally, verbally, morally, in so doing we relinquish attachment to ego and objects which attract ego.

It would be a lie for me to say that i have achieved a life free of attachments, for i love my meal times, and sometimes i love my Katherine and The Children so much i almost knock them over as they ready to go for a walk. It is in these moments of enthusiasm that Katherine teaches me to sit still, reduce my expectation and be content in the moment. Our discipline to, reduce expectations and be still in the moment, enables our abilities to communicate. Within the moment, we disengage from our desire, our ego, we move into becoming ONe, we achieve understanding. We speak through our mutual contentment.

OH......i feel it is time to practice the disciplines of holistic self-care and excercise.......a walk in the woods, leads me to nirvana.

Live Free,
Zen Dog Sam

(((Live Free Frances, in the beauty of your Love and Joy, thank-you for sharing your thoughts we walk with you in content inspiration as we journey toward nirvana, K )))

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