Sunday, October 18, 2009

Every Thought Has A Frequency, Focus On What You Want

Inspired today by: Mountain Dog Johnny T, (and his herd of equines), a sage with long standing.

The video Johnny T sends inspires the realization; "Everything i need to accomplish my goals lays here right before me." In this moment the quality of  the thought becomes intention, ((Karma in Force)),  force becomes focus, ((Karma in Creation)),  focus becomes motivation, ((Karma in Potiential)), motivation becomes action, ((Karma in Presence)). Action ignites the presence of Karma.

This climbing up the ladder towards success power dog, teaches us a lesson in creating our own walk toward success using  universal tools, thought, force, and focus to motivate meaningful action, thereby empowering positive change. Is there any question that this dog, Sofia, can successfully influence life where ever she travels?

Zen Thought For This Week: Within the quality of my thoughts there lies a power of presence, this moment holds the quality of my intention, where only i will define the force of real or  imagined barriers.

To sweet girl Sofia, and Mountain Dog Johnny T, i send out thoughts of thanks and gratitude, for their inspirational ideas and their "can do" attitudes, these are thoughts with frequency that vibrate us across the ponds and forests in creativity, Love Ya, K

Live Free,
Zen Dog Sam


  1. I love that the Spirit of our animals will have a voice. Their hearts greet us daily with Love and joy. Adding an energy of unconditional support and love to our lives. Thank you for this space.

  2. Good beginning. Your use of the dog's picture was a "catcher." Hard to ignore that look.
    Does Sam really call you Mom? I'm not too clear about Zen. Hope you can help.

  3. Good beginning. Dog is "catcher." How could I ignore that face!

  4. My name is Abby (white lab follower). My little brother on who has recently learned to walk in the last few months, is alot of fun to play with. He plays tug of war with me..He's so little, I let him win alot. Then he runs away and hides my toy, sitting right where he hides it. Sniffing his smiling face, then grabbing the toy from behind the chair, I run. He giggles and runs after me.
    I also have two older brothers that make forts out of the couch cushions..(after homework and dinner) They call me in and we have secret meetings.. It's great fun, I love my family so much. By the end of the day, I'm ready for a good nights sleep before another day of loving fun..Have a great day everyone, Abby Frances

  5. Dear Jedword, thank-you for your comments and for your interest in the development of, "The Zen Dog Collective".

    Jedword's Comment; "Does Sam really call you Mom? I’m not too clear about Zen. Hope you can help.” .”

    i have lived with dogs all my life. Through the years i have learned that dogs, horses, birds and cats, possess rich and colorful internal vocabularies. Our three children, [and some friends], typically call me Mommy, or Mom, or Momma. I am the Alpha to our animals, [4 dogs, 1 parrot, and 2 horses]. When we walk together i may whisper the command, "Stay with Mommy". There is never any question the exact meaning of the command, in confluence we attach, all moving as one. The words, Mom, Momma, or Mommy sparks immediate alertness in our 'multi-species' pack. Conversely, i, remain open to the silence where my name is spoken in the stillness of their focused thoughts. Yes, Sam does call me Mom! Katherine

  6. Dear Abby Frances,
    Thank-you for sharing your story.
    What is going on during those secret meetings between the couch pillows? i am guessing it is all nonsense and snacks?

    Live Free
    Zen Dog Sam

  7. Dear Zen Dog Sam, As I sit in the secret meetings beneath the cushions, I observe each of my brothers telling stories. I can feel their little hearts beat with adventures. Creating and inspiring some sort of rescue mission. Although their whispers are full of excitement, I only feel the peace. Then, my baby brother of 1yr.old, crashes and jumps on our fort...awww, this may be the rescue part as we each scramble to escape while he rolls on all the collapsing cushions. Giggling with delight. Then the meeting is closed. Abby Frances

  8. Oh Frances, This is the life we wish for all dog-kind, a place filled with joy. I wish only to live my life with the mind of a child, a dog, or a horse, a bird, a genius, any animal who experiences happiness in the moment, and then connects the moment to timeless joy. This is the spirt of life i also wish for you and all matter everywhere.

  9. Dear Zen Sam, Yes the best teacher of living in the joyful moment is my Abby. enjoying a moment,stroking her head, her eyes look into mine and our hearts are united in a non langauage timelessness. Peace within fills both of us. All animals open me to this, feed me this.Frances


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